

Numerous zinc supplementation trials have shown that increasing zinc intake can realize a wide range of health benefits where diets are inadequate for this micronutrient.

There are more than 100 different types of cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, cancer occurs when cells in the body (the building blocks of tissues and organs) begin to grow out of control.

CLL cancer, or Chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is a type of leukemia that typically affects older adults. This disease begins in the bone marrow, where blood cells are made, and then move into the blood. https://cancercelltreatment.com/2022/04/14/3-basic-cll-treatment-options/

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to defend the body against foreign invaders. A good immune system provides good health.

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Cancer Research - New Cancer Treatments and Clinical Trials

April 20, 2022
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Cancer Research - Stem Cells

Stem cells are essential for living organisms for many reasons. In the human body, they serve as a repair system for the wear and tear that occurs throughout our lives. When a stem cell divides, it can either remain a stem cell or become a more specialized cell, such as a skin cell, muscle cell, or bone cell.

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can differentiate into multiple cell types. In other words, stem cells can give rise to indefinitely more cells of the same kind, making them a renewable resource. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

stem cells

Embryonic stem cells come from embryos that are three to five days old. Adult stem cells are found in various tissues throughout the body, including the bone marrow, skin, and brain. Embryonic stem cells can differentiate into any cell in the body. It makes them helpful in treating a wide variety of diseases and injuries.

Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are more limited in the types of cells they can become. However, they have the advantage of being less likely to be rejected by the body's immune system. The use of stem cells is a controversial topic, as there are ethical concerns associated with the destruction of human embryos. However, stem cell research has many potential benefits, such as treating diseases and injuries that are currently incurable.


Immunotherapy is a treatment that uses the body's immune system to fight cancerous cells. 

Sometimes, doctors use it in conjunction with other treatments like surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. There are two main types of immunotherapy: active and passive.

Active immunotherapy stimulates the body's immune system to fight mutated cells. 

The body can achieve this by using substances it produces, such as antibodies, or by utilizing manufactured substances that imitate these natural compounds. On the other hand, passive immunotherapy involves giving the body's immune system pre-made substances that will help it fight mutated cells.

Researchers need to conduct more studies to determine the effectiveness of immunotherapy, as it is a relatively new treatment. However, it holds promise as a potential treatment for various cancers. You can find more information about immunotherapy as a treatment for cancer here.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are research studies that test new treatments in humans. These treatments may be drugs, medical devices, or other therapies. The purpose of clinical trials is to find out if a new treatment is safe and effective. Clinical trials are an essential step in the development of new therapies.

Several testing phases must precede the approval of a new treatment for use. In phase I clinical trials, a small group of people are given the treatment to see if it is safe. If deemed safe, the treatment advances to phase II clinical trials, where a more extensive group receives the treatment to assess its effectiveness.

cancer treatments


Stem cells, immunotherapy, and antibodies are the new beginning in treatments.

Experts discuss the process and review the future of different treatment forms and the associated costs.
In the final quarter of the Stanford Mini Med School, the program addresses some of the most timely and essential topics in contemporary medicine and biosciences.
Stanford Mini Med School is a series arranged and directed by Stanford's School of Medicine and presented by the Stanford Continuing Studies program. Philip Beachy, Ph.D., and Ron Levy, Ph.D., discuss different approaches to cancer therapy, research, and clinical trials, such as drug, antibody, and stem cell therapies.

Advance Video to Dr. Ron Levy, Ph.D. Discussion on his trial examples

Stanford University:

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