
Numerous zinc supplementation trials have shown that increasing zinc intake can realize a wide range of health benefits where diets are inadequate for this micronutrient. Zinc ionophores are a chemical species that reversibly binds ions. Zinc ionophores lead to a rapid increase in intracellular zinc levels. ... See MoreSee Less


Tongue cancer can develop in either type of cell, but most cases occur in squamous cells. Tongue cancer is more common in men than women, and the average age at diagnosis is 60.

People with Lynch syndrome have a gene defect that helps repair DNA mistakes, which means that they are more likely to develop cancers.

Zinc stabilizes the molecular structure of cellular components and membranes and contributes in this way to the maintenance of cell and organ integrity.

In 1761, Giovanni Morgagni of Padua was the first to do something that is now routine; he did autopsies to relate the patient's illness to pathological findings after death.

Removing these dead cells can improve the body's response to treatment, prevent recurrence, and enhance the quality of life for patients.

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Cancer Cell Treatment


Immunotherapy for Cancer - 10 Ways to Quickly Boost Immune System

Cancer and Immune System MD Anderson’s cancer research center makes the statement that if you treat the immune system, it can attack cancer. Detect. Destroy. Remember. Those words serve as our immune system’s mantra. It applies both to invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and to our own defective cells. So how does cancer evade […]
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March 4, 2022


Reduce Oxidative Stress and Free Radicals to Boost Immunity

What is Oxidative Stress? Oxidative stress is a condition that results when reactive oxygen species (ROS) overwhelm the cells' ability to neutralize them. Under normal circumstances, the body's antioxidant defenses quickly mop up ROS, natural byproducts of metabolism. However, these molecules can accumulate and damage cellular structures, including DNA. Oxidative stress can cause a wide […]
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March 4, 2022


Radiation and Chemotherapy Induced Secondary Malignancies

Radiation and Chemotherapy Induced Secondary Malignancies Chemotherapy and radiation are an integral part of cancer treatment; more than half of all cancer patients will undergo one or both therapies. With significant advances in radiation and chemotherapy, the number of long-term cancer survivors has dramatically increased over the years. However, there is a growing concern about […]
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March 4, 2022

13 Important Gum Cancer Symptoms to Look Out For

Gum Cancer Symptoms: Gum cancer is a relatively rare cancer, but it can be deadly. It starts in the gum tissue and can spread to other body parts. Signs of gum cancer are often mistaken for gingivitis. Developing gum cancer from smoking is possible, but several other things can increase the risk of gum cancer, including […]
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March 4, 2022

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Clinical Immunology 101 - What is the Immune System

How does the immune system work - What is the immune system? The immune system is a collection of organs, tissues, and cells that work together to protect the body from infection. The immune system fights off invading organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. It also protects the body against cancer cells. The immune […]
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March 4, 2022
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