Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an essential enzyme that eliminates superoxide radicals (O2-) and thus protects cells from damage induced by free radicals.

Dangerous Reactive Oxygen Species - Superoxide Dismutase

Reactive Oxygen Species We can't live without oxygen. Our cells rely on oxygen as the final acceptor of electrons in respiration, allowing us to extract far more energy from food than possible without oxygen. But oxygen is also a dangerous compound. Reactivating with other molecules can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage cells. […]


Amazing Superoxide Dismutase SOD - Cancer Cell Treatment

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) As a target for the selective killing of cancer cells, it was published in the U.S. Library of Medicine in 2001 by the Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston 77030, USA. Now almost 12 years later, Superoxide Dismutase - SOD is one of the technologies […]

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What Do Zinc Ionophores Do in The Human Body?

Cationic Zinc: What Is It? Numerous zinc supplementation trials have shown that increasing zinc intake can realize a wide range of health benefits where diets are inadequate for this micronutrient. Zinc ionophores are chemical species that reversibly bind ions. Zinc ionophores lead to a rapid increase in intracellular zinc levels. Zinc is a mineral consumed in […]

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Oxidative Stress And The Antioxidant Response

Free Radicals In The Body The basic science of oxidative stress and the antioxidant response is not in contention, what is an effective antioxidant is. When the body breaks food down into energy, it generates a by-product known as free radicals. Also present in food itself, the air we breathe and the sun we worship, […]

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What Is Oxidative Stress And Free Radicals Damage

What Is Oxidative Stress And Free Radicals Damage   Oxidation is the cause of Free Radicals, this happens when an electron is knocked out of a chemical bond. These highly reactive free radicals will interact with and damage healthy molecules. Oxidative stress occurs when the destructive power of free radicals spreads from one cell to […]
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