Little-Known Benzene Exposure in Personal Care Products
Benzene exposure is a familiar yet hazardous chemical in various industries and products. Learn about the risks, sources, and health effects.The 2 Main Types of Lymphoma • CCTreatment
Types of Lymphoma: Lymphoma gets classified into Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. There are different lymphoma subtypes...5 Telltale Ovarian Cancer Symptoms • CCTreatment
There are several possible ovarian cancer symptoms. The most common symptom is abdominal pain or discomfort.The tongue comprises two kinds of tissue: squamous and glandular. Tongue cancer can develop in either type of cell, but most cases occur in squamous cells. Tongue cancer is more common in men than women, and the average age at diagnosis is 60. Further on, we will talk about the stages of tongue cancer.
The symptoms of tongue cancer can vary depending on the size and location of the tumor. Tongue cancer often starts as a small, painless sore that does not heal on the tongue. The sore may bleed easily and appear as a red or white patch on the tongue. Tongue cancer may also cause problems with chewing, swallowing, or speaking.
Tongue cancer stages range from I to IV. Surgery and radiation therapy can often cure tongue cancer caught in the early stages (I and II). However, tongue cancer that has spread to other body parts (phase IV) is more challenging to treat and is often incurable.
If a person has symptoms of tongue cancer, their doctor will perform a physical examination and take a medical history. The doctor may also order one or more tests to make a diagnosis.
After performing the tests, the doctor will review the results and make a diagnosis. For example, if a person gets tongue cancer, their doctor will stage the cancer to determine its extent. Staging is necessary because it helps guide treatment decisions.
The treatment for tongue cancer depends on the stage of the disease, the patient's overall health, and preferences. Treatment options for tongue cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.
Doctors will closely monitor a patient for signs of cancer recurrence after treatment. Follow-up appointments may include physical examinations, imaging tests, and blood tests. These appointments are essential to ensure that cancer has not returned.
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