8 Responsible Causes for Swollen Lymph Nodes • CCTreatment
Swollen lymph nodes are a common symptom of many conditions, including infections, inflammatory disorders, and cancer. In most cases, they are not a cause for4 Accurate Medulloblastoma Symptoms • CCTreatment
Medulloblastoma can spread to other parts of the brain and spine. One of the most common medulloblastoma symptoms is a headache.3 Captivating Cancer Genomics Technologies • CCTreatment
Cancer genomics is the study of cancer at a genetic level, which involves exploring how cancer cells develop, grow and progress over time.It can also treat non-typical cell diseases, and viral, bacterial, and fungal diseases in conjunction with or without other drugs, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. This article lists conditions where users have reported positive results and additional conditions where the CC Treatment could be applied.
The following describes conditions that the CC formula can potentially treat. However, there is no evidence that it works under these conditions, so the information below is only included here as a reference.
Mutated cells, non-functioning cells, and non-typical cells contribute to the development of a cancer cell and its
progression from localized cancer to one that grows uncontrolled metastasizes, and spreads throughout the body.
Mutations may involve a single base change, a point mutation, or larger sections of DNA through deletions, insertions, or translocations.
Most cancers arise from genetic mutations that accumulate in body cells over a person's lifetime, called somatic mutations.
Each cell, when it divides, generates two identical new ones. So, when a cell acquires a mutation, it passes that mutation on to its offspring during cell growth and division. Because cells with cancer-linked mutations tend to grow faster than normal cells, this quickly creates cellular candidates for additional modifications, increasing exponentially and increasing tumor growth.
If one cell eventually accumulates enough mutations to become cancerous, subsequent cancer cells will originate from that single transformed cell. So, all tumors are clonal, which means that they originate from a single parent cell.
Most human cancers result from an accumulation of somatic mutations, which are not passed on to the next generation. An 80-year cancer-free lifespan is a fantastic accomplishment.
It requires as many as 10 million billion body cells to copy themselves correctly in those 80 years. It is easy to see how these random errors can occur. A person acquires these changes during a lifetime from exposure to carcinogens and other mutagens or random, unrepaired errors during routine cell growth and division. A clone then arises from that single mutated cell, beginning the development of additional cancer cells.
Non-functioning, non-typical, or atypical cells appear abnormal under a microscope but aren't necessarily cancerous. "Dysplasia" sometimes refers to the presence of atypical cells. Many factors can make normal cells appear atypical, including inflammation and infection. Even normal aging can make cells appear abnormal. Non-functioning, non-typical, or atypical cells can change to normal if the underlying cause is removed or resolved. This can happen spontaneously. Or it can be the result of a specific treatment.
Viruses cause viral diseases, which are infections. Viruses are tiny, infectious particles that can reproduce only inside the living cells of other organisms. Viruses cause many common conditions, such as colds, flu, warts, and chickenpox. They can also cause more severe diseases like HIV/AIDS, Ebola, and SARS.
Viruses can be spread in many ways. They can be spread through the air, by contact with infected body fluids or Objects, or by insect bites. They can also contaminate food or water.
Fungi are primitive organisms, including mushrooms, mold, and mildew. They live in the air, soil, plants, and water, some even live in the human body. Only about half of all types of fungi are harmful.
Some fungi reproduce through tiny spores in the air. You can inhale the spores, or they can land on you. As a result, fungal infections often start in the lungs or on the skin. You are more likely to get a fungal infection if you have a weakened immune system or take antibiotics.
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis Aspergilloma Aspergillosis Athlete's foot Basidiobolomycosis Basidiobolus ranarum Black piedra Blastomycosis Candidiasis Cherry leaf spot Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis Chrysosporium Chytridiomycosis Coccidioidomycosis Conidiobolomycosis Cryptococcosis Cryptococcus gattii Deep dermatophytosis Dermatophyte Dermatophytid Dermatophytosis Dimorphic fungus Endothrix | Entomopathogenic fungus Epizootic lymphangitis Epizootic ulcerative syndrome Esophageal candidiasis Exothrix Fungal meningitis Fungemia Geosmithia morbida Histoplasmosis Lobomycosis Massospora cicadina Muscardine Mycosis Mycosphaerella fragariae Myringomycosis Ophiocordyceps nutans Oral candidiasis Paracoccidioidomycosis Pathogenic fungi Penicilliosis Piedra Piedraia Pneumocystis pneumonia | Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum Sporotrichosis Thousand cankers disease Tinea Tinea barbae Tinea capitis Tinea corporis Tinea cruris Tinea faciei Tinea incognito Tinea nigra Tinea versicolor White-nose syndrome Zeaspora Zygomycosis |
Bacterial diseases include any illness caused by bacteria. Harmful bacteria that cause bacterial infections and disease are called pathogenic bacteria. Bacterial diseases occur when pathogenic bacteria enter the body and begin to reproduce, crowd out healthy bacteria, or grow in normally sterile tissues.
The main pathogenic species is Staphylococcus aureus, which causes most hospital-acquired infections. Multiple-drug-resistant strains have become such a problem due to the overuse of antibiotics that medical workers now refer to this by the nickname “MRSA.” Common pathogenic bacteria and the types of bacterial diseases they cause include:
Species of Human Pathogenic Bacteria
Species | Transmission | Diseases |
Contact with sheep, goats, and horses Inhalation or skin penetration through abrasions of spore-contaminated dust | Gastrointestinal anthrax | |
Contact with respiratory droplets expelled by infected human hosts. | Complications: Secondary bacterial pneumonia | |
Ixodes ticks the reservoir in deer, mice and other rodents | ||
Direct contact with the infected animal Oral, by ingestion of unpasteurized milk or milk products | ||
Fecal/oral from animals (mammals and fowl) Contaminated meat (especially poultry) Contaminated water | ||
Respiratory droplets | Community-acquired respiratory infection | |
Sexual (NGU, LGV) Direct or contaminated surfaces and flies (trachoma) Passage through the birth canal (ICN) | Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) | |
Inhalation of dust with secretions or feces from birds (e.g. parrots) | ||
Spores from the soil and aquatic sediments contaminating vegetables, meat, and fish | ||
Spores both indoors and outdoors Human flora, overgrowing when another flora is depleted | ||
Spores in soil Human flora in the vagina and GI tract | Acute food poisoning | |
Spores in soil infecting puncture wounds, severe burns or surgery | ||
Respiratory droplets Part of human flora | ||
Part of human flora, opportunistic or entering through GI tract or urinary system wounds | Nosocomial infections | |
Escherichia coli (generally) | Part of gut flora, spreading extraintestinal or proliferating in the GI tract | Urinary tract infections (UTI) Diarrhea Meningitis in infants |
Faecal-oral through food and water Direct physical contact | ||
Vertical, in utero or at birth | Diarrhea in infants | |
Reservoir in cattle | ||
Vector-borne by anthropods Infected wild or domestic animals, birds or house pets | ||
Droplet contact Human flora of e.g. upper respiratory tract | Bacterial meningitis | |
Colonizing stomach Unclear person-to-person transmission | Risk factor for gastric carcinoma and gastric B-cell lymphoma | |
Droplet contact, from e.g. cooling towers, humidifiers, air conditioners, and water distribution systems | ||
Food and water contaminated by e.g. urine from wild or domestic animals. Leptospira survives for weeks in stagnant water. | ||
Dairy products, ground meats, poultry Vertical to newborn or fetus | ||
Prolonged human-human contact, e.g. through exudes from skin lesions to abrasion of another person | Leprosy (Hansen's disease) | |
Droplet contact | ||
Human flora Droplet contact | ||
Sexually transmitted vertical in birth | ||
Respiratory droplets | Meningococcal disease including meningitis | |
Infects damaged tissues or people with reduced immunity. | ||
Bite of infected wood or dog tick | ||
Human-human Fecal-oral through food or water | Typhoid fever-type salmonellosis (dysentery, colitis) | |
Fecal-oral Food contaminated by fowl (e.g. eggs), pets, and other animals | Salmonellosis with gastroenteritis and enterocolitis | |
Fecal-oral Flies Contaminated food or water | ||
The main pathogenic species is Staphylococcus aureus, which causes most hospital-acquired infections. Multiple-drug-resistant strains have become such a problem due to the overuse of antibiotics, that medical workers now refer to this by the nickname “MRSA.” | MRSA |
List of Bacterial Disease Names
Lyme disease Granuloma inguinale Bacterial vaginosis Gonorrhea Syphilis Congenital syphilis Mycobacterium avium Complex Melioidosis Anthrax Leptospirosis Whooping Cough Leprosy Tetanus Plague Bubonic plague Pneumonic plague Scarlet fever Streptococcal Infections Invasive group A Streptococcal disease Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Meningococcal disease Bacteremia Strep throat Cholera Dysentery Amebic dysentery Shigellosis Diphtheria Cutaneous diphtheria Respiratory diphtheria Legionnaires' disease Tuberculosis Latent tuberculosis Hemophilus influenzae B Typhoid fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever Vibrio parahaemolyticus Vibrio vulnificus Vibrio Yersiniosis Whipple's Disease Bacterial digestive infections Acute Appendicitis Meningitis Bacterial meningitis Encephalitis Impetigo Cellulitis Carbuncle Boil Acne Sepsis Septicemia Pneumonia Ptomaine food poisoning Salmonella food poisoning Salmonella enteritidis Staphylococcal infection Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning Botulism food poisoning Infant botulism food poisoning E-coli food poisoning Rheumatic fever Brucellosis Ehrlichiosis Psittacosis Acanthamoeba Granulomatous amebic encephalitis Relapsing fever Naegleria Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Listeriosis Scombrotoxic fish poisoning Trachoma Chlamydia pneumoniae Mycoplasma pneumoniae Mycobacterial infections Q fever STARI Yaws Actinomycosis Lymphogranuloma venereum Bacterial toxins -- fetal exposure Human carcinogen -- Helicobacter Pylori infection Legionella adelaidensis infection Legionella anisa infection Legionella beliardensis infection Legionella birminghamensis infection Legionella bozemanii infection Legionella bruneiensis infection Legionella brunensis infection Legionella busanensis infection Legionella cherrii infection Legionella cincinnatiensis infection Legionella donaldsonii infection Legionella donaldsonil infection Legionella drancourtii infection Legionella drozanskii infection Legionella dumofii infection Legionella erythra infection Legionella fairfieldensis infection Legionella fallonii infection Legionella feelei infection Legionella feeleii infection Legionella gesstiana infection Legionella gormanii infection Legionella gratiana infection Legionella gresilensis infection Legionella hackeliae infection Legionella impletisoli infection Legionella isrealensis infection Legionella jamestowniensis infection Legionella jordanis infection Legionella lansingensis infection Legionella londinensis infection Legionella lytica infection Legionella maceachemii infection Legionella maceachernii infection Legionella micdadei infection Legionella monrovica infection Legionella moravica infection Legionella nautarum infection Legionella oakridgensis infection Legionella parisiensis infection Legionella quateirensis infection Legionella quinlivanii infection Legionella rowbothamii infection Legionella rubrilucens infection Legionella sainthelensi infection Legionella santicrucis infection Legionella shakespearei infection Legionella spiritensis infection Legionella steigerwaltii infection Legionella tauriensis infection Legionella tusconensis infection Legionella wadsorthii infection Legionella wadsworthii infection | Legionella waltersii infection Legionella worsliensis infection Legionella yabuuchiae infection Salmonella anatum infection Salmonella choleraesuis infection Salmonella enteritidis infection Salmonella heidelberg infection Salmonella hirschfeldii infection Salmonella newport infection Salmonella paratyphi A infection Salmonella schottmuelleri infection Salmonella typhi infection Salmonella typhimurium infection Shigella boydii infection Shigella dysenteriae infection Shigella flexneri infection Shigella sonnei infection Vibrio infection -- Vibrio cincinnatiensis Vibrio infection -- Vibrio damsela Vibrio infection -- Vibrio fluvialis Vibrio infection -- Vibrio furnissii Vibrio infection -- Vibrio holisae Vibrio infection -- Vibrio metschnikovii Vibrio infection -- Vibrio mimicus Enteroaggregative E. Coli infection Enterohemorrhagic E. Coli infection Enteroinvasive E. Coli infection Enteropathogenic E. Coli infection Enterotoxigenic E. Coli infection Cheese Washer's lung -- Penicillium spp. Farmer's lung -- Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Syphilitic aseptic meningitis Actinomycotic appendicitis Bacterial appendicitis Campylobacter jejuni subspecies doylei infection Campylobacter laridis infection Campylobacter sputorum infection Campylobacter food poisoning Clostridium perfringens food poisoning Bacterial conjunctivitis Pneumococcal meningitis Bacterial septicemia Acute bacterial prostatitis Chronic bacterial prostatitis Small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome Bacillus cereus type I food poisoning Bacillus cereus type II food poisoning Bacterial pericarditis Humidifier lung -- Bacillus spp. Leprosy, susceptibility to, 4 Leprosy, susceptibility to, 3 Leprosy, susceptibility to, 2 Leprosy, susceptibility to, 1 Prostatic tuberculosis Bacterial prostatitis Renal tuberculosis Anthrax meningitis Meningococcal A Meningococcal B Meningococcal C Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis Chlamydia Mastitis Bartholin's abscess Chlamydial Infection Acute Tracheitis Cryptosporiosis Pneumonia, Bacterial Pneumonia, Staphylococcal Pneumonia caused by serotype O11 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Neonatal bacterial meningitis Cryptococcosis Drug-resistant Streptococcus Pneumoniae Disease Drug-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Glanders Nocardiosis Sporotrichosis Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium kansasii Mycobacterium xenopi Mycobacterium scrofulaceum Mycobacterium abscessus Mycobacterium haemophilum Mycobacterium ulcerans Bacterial endocarditis Erythrasma Epiglotitis Pneumococcal pneumonia Pneumococcus Acute rheumatic fever Pemphigus neonatorum Erysipeloid Erysipelas Barber's rash Tuberculous pericarditis Pyogenic pericarditis Tracheitis Serratia meningitis Vaginosis (bacterial vaginosis) Listeriosis meningoencephalitis Neurosyphilis -- general paresis Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility to, 3 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility to, X-linked Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility to, 2 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility to, 1 Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility to Cryptococcal Meningitis Cutaneous Anthrax Pulmonary Anthrax Gastrointestinal Anthrax Tularemia Bacteriuria Streptococcal Group A invasive disease Serratia urinary tract infection Edwardsiella tarda infection Bortonneuse fever Malignant Buotonneuse fever Eikenella corrodens infection Necrobacillosis | Vibrio mimicus food poisoning Typhus Paratyphoid fever Epidemic typhus Murine typhus Brill-Zinsser disease Recrudescent typhus Kenya tick typhus Scrub typhus Queensland tick typhus Chancroid Ureaplasma urealyticum Primary syphilis Secondary syphilis Tertiary syphilis Burkholderia pseudomallei Pseudomonas pseudomallei Weil's syndrome Nanukayami Cephalic tetanus Neonatal tetanus Group A Streptococcal Infections Group B Streptococcal Infections Necrotizing fasciitis Meningococcemia Shigella flexneri Shigella boydii Shigella sonnei Pontiac fever Tuberculous meningitis Listeriosis sepsis Post-Streptococcal Neurologic Disorders Staphylococcal food poisoning Mountain fever Mountain tick fever Marseilles fever Kenya fever Indian tick fever Conor's disease Bruch's disease Escharonodulaire Kenya tick-bite fever India tick typhus Israeli spotted fever Boutonneuse fever Helicobacter pylori bacteria Capnocytophaga Dermatophilosis Francisella tularenis infection Helicobacter fenneliae infection Serratia ear infection Bartonella infections Fournier Gangrene Tuberculous uveitis Pinta Spotted fevers Mediterranean Spotted Fever Escherichia coli O157:H7 Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli Infection Campylobacter jejuni Rheumatic heart disease Toxic Shock Syndrome Campylobacter fetus infection Pseudomonas infections Arcobacter butzleri infection Arcobacter cryaerophilus infection Arcobacter infection Vibrio vulnificus infection Treponema infection Moraxella catarrhalis infection Infection with Mycobacterium marinum Meningococcal infection Pseudomonas stutzeri infections Mycobacterium avium complex infection Actinomycetales infection Disseminated infection with mycobacterium avium complex African tick typhus Bartonellosis due to Bartonella quintana infection Serratia respiratory tract infection Bacillaceae Infections Legionella longbeachae infection Helicobacter cinaedi infection Constrictive tuberculous pericarditis Colibacillosis Campylobacter hylointestinalis infection Campylobacter jejuni infection Scarletina (Scarlet Fever) Sennetsu Fever Spirochetes disease Bartonellosis Rickettsia The clap Honeymoon Bladder Clostridium sordellii Serratia Serratia sepsis Serratia cerebral abscess Rhodococcus equi Bacterial toxic-shock syndrome Streptococcal Group B invasive disease Rickettsia siberica Sporotrichosis -- pulmonary Rickettsial disease Syphilis, latent Rickettsia typhi Ricketttsialpox Listeriosis of pregnancy Urosepsis Gonococcal urethritis Bartonella Vancomycin resistant enterococcal bacteremia Congenital tuberculosis Neurosyphilis Mycobacterium Fortuitum Mendelian susceptibility to atypical mycobacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Listeriosis -- granulomatous infantiseptica Borreliosis Neurosyphilis -- asymptomatic Human monocytic ehrlichiosis Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome Neurosyphilis -- tabes dorsalis Lysteria monocytoigeneses meningitis Pyomyositis Pasteurella multocida Tuberculosis, pulmonary Erythema chronicum migrans Neurosyphilis -- meningovascular Hidradenitis Suppurativa Weil syndrome Flavimonas oryzihabitans Bar's syndrome Austrian syndrome Brill disease Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Bejel Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis Waterhouse-Friederichsen syndrome Durand-Nicolas-Favre syndrome Ausrian triad |
The CCT Network does not claim that the CC Treatment can cure these diseases. However, you are encouraged to learn about the treatment’s potential for your unique situation and consult with your physician before using it. For more information, please fill out the inquiry form, and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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