3 Captivating Cancer Genomics Technologies • CCTreatment
Cancer genomics is the study of cancer at a genetic level, which involves exploring how cancer cells develop, grow and progress over time.What is Mantle Cell Lymphoma - 8 Clear Symptoms - CCT
What is Mantle Cell Lymphoma? Mantle cell lymphoma is a type of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that accounts for about 6 percent of all disease cases.What Are Liquid Biopsies For Cancer? Read Now • CCTreatment
Regarding cancer diagnosis types, various methods are used. A new form is liquid biopsies. But what are liquid biopsies for cancer?Scientific proof emerges from the heart of the conventional scientific establishment, not from the fringes of alternative medicine. A book published two years ago called Cancer as a Metabolic Disease, written by Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D.
Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D. - Academic Profile - Boston College
"Our research program focuses on mechanisms by which metabolic therapy manages chronic diseases such as epilepsy, neurodegenerative lipid storage diseases, and cancer. Metabolic therapies include caloric restriction, fasting, and ketogenic diets. Our approach is based on the idea that compensatory metabolic pathways are capable of modifying the pathogenesis of complex diseases. Global shifts in the metabolic environment can neutralize molecular pathology. In the case of cancer, these therapies target and kill tumor cells while enhancing the physiological health of normal cells. The neurochemical and genetic mechanisms of these phenomena are under investigation in novel animal models and include the processes of inflammation, cellular physiology, angiogenesis, and lipid biochemistry."
Dr. Seyfried exposes the failure of the DNA theory and reveals the true cause of cancer. He was formerly a cancer researcher at Yale University, is currently a full professor of biology at Boston College, and is the author of more than 150 PubMed-indexed scientific articles. He doesn’t advocate or practice alternative medicine. As far as I can gather, he doesn’t have much interest in it. He’s “just” an unbiased scientist seeking the truth, wherever it may lead.
What he’s found is that damaged mitochondria, not damaged DNA, cause cancer. Mitochondria are sometimes called the cell’s batteries or energy factories. They are delicate, complicated pieces of cell machinery that convert the foods we eat – fats, proteins, and carbohydrates – into horsepower that enables us to move, breathe, think – to do everything we do.
Your food is like gasoline in a car. It makes the car move – but how? By way of an engine that converts gasoline into energy, similar to how mitochondria convert food molecules into energy. Healthy mitochondria break open food molecules and use their electrical energy electrons to create ATP molecules that store the energy until the cell needs it to do something. At the end of the ATP assembly line that exists inside a mitochondrion, oxygen waits to bind with the electrons to form water, a harmless byproduct of this energy production process.
The process is called oxidative phosphorylation or simply respiration. Respiration is the process by which a healthy cell generates energy. As Dr. Seyfried demonstrates in his book – almost beyond doubt – the fundamental difference between a healthy cell and a cancer cell is the way they make energy.
Cancer cells are different: They make energy by fermentation, not respiration. In this process, the mitochondria turn glucose i.e. sugar (mainly from carbohydrates) into small quantities of energy.
Can a cancer cell live on anything else besides carbs? Yes, to some degree. The mitochondria can ferment certain parts of proteins (specifically an amino acid called glutamine), but it can’t ferment fats at all. Carbohydrates and especially sugar are the foods cancer needs to feed on.
Fermentation is a primitive, fallback process for generating energy that the mitochondria will use only when they’re damaged and unable to perform respiration – or when there’s a temporary lack of oxygen, a key component in the normal respiration process.
Here’s a neat fact: deep-sea diving mammals like whales generate energy by respiration – using oxygen – when they’re on the surface. But when underwater for an extended period, they generate oxygen by fermentation. As I said, it’s a backup energy generator.
No cell that’s working right would ever fall back on fermentation when oxygen is available. Fermentation is inefficient. It doesn’t produce as much energy and creates toxic byproducts like lactic acid and ammonia.
Cancer cells are different – they’re sick – not because their DNA is damaged but because they use fermentation even when plenty of oxygen is around. That’s what Dr. Seyfried means when he posits that cancer is a metabolic disease rather than a genetic disease.
So what is it that causes the mitochondria in healthy cells to go haywire and resort to the second-rate fermentation process? According to Dr. Seyfried, the most likely source of the damage is the same list of carcinogens we’re all familiar with – tobacco smoking, radiation, toxic chemicals, viruses… the usual suspects.
The respiration “machinery” inside the mitochondria is just as delicate as the famous DNA double helix inside the cells’ nucleus. When it’s disabled, the cell may die, but some cells are able to fall back on fermentation and stay alive. Cells that turn permanently to fermentation become chronically inflamed and flooded with toxic lactic acid.
But these damaged – cancerous – cells are able to thrive and replicate as long as the patient provides them with an abundant supply of glucose. In essence, people who eat a carbohydrate-rich diet are making themselves fertile ground for cancer. If you deny them glucose, it’s a challenge for cancer cells to stay alive. Those that do survive can most likely be managed (i.e. eliminated) by your immune system.
Dr. Seyfried’s book cites over a thousand scientific references on Metabolic Disease. All I’ve given you is a quick gloss of what he has to say. But his most telling piece of proof is easy to explain and understand.
When mitochondria from cancer cells are fused with normal cells – those with healthy DNA in their nuclei – and then injected into animals, 97% of them develop tumors. In other words, cancerous mitochondria turn healthy cells into cancer cells. No genetic damage is needed. DNA didn’t cause these cancers.
Metabolic Disease and the process works in reverse: Transforming mitochondria from healthy cells into tumor cells reduces cancerous behavior and tumor formation.
He cites other research showing that the process does not produce cancer cells if you transplant a nucleus containing mutations from a cancer cell into a normal cell from which the nucleus has been removed. But if you put a normal nucleus into a cancer cell, the cell remains cancerous and can generate tumors.
Case closed. There’s no question about it: When it comes to cancer, damaged mitochondria are in the driver’s seat, not damaged DNA.
“But wait,” you might say if you know anything about mainstream cancer research. “The DNA in cancer cells is loaded with mutations. How can it be that DNA damage has nothing to do with cancer?”
The most likely explanation is that most DNA damage comes AFTER the damage to mitochondria when the cell is sick. The fermentation process is bombarding the nucleus with massive amounts of toxic fermentation byproducts.
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